Some women are born to be mothers, some achieve motherhood, and some have motherhood thrust upon ‘em 1 Show, 3 Plays Endless ways to be a Mammy, or not… Play #1: Oh Baby, Baby! Peer inside the mind of pregnant teenager Aoife. This one-woman show exposes the fear, guilt, shame…
Play #1: Oh Baby, Baby!
Peer inside the mind of pregnant teenager Aoife. This one-woman show exposes the fear, guilt, shame and secret joy of an unplanned pregnancy in 1990s Dublin.
Play #2: State of Grace?
Sick of stigma about being single and childless? Certain you won’t change your mind about babies?
So is Grace.
Feel the frustration as she undergoes interrogation disguised as a dinner party.
Play #3: Lost and Found
Michie is having a miscarriage. Her flesh feels every excruciating moment, but her mind floats away to find refuge. Can she ever piece together the fragments of her fragile body and soul?